

由英国专业策展团队十媒星慧会展(Media 10 Star)主办,英国驻上海总领事馆、英国国际贸易部(DIT)和英中贸易协会(CBBC)联合呈现的「英国文化节-英伦精选」展(Best of British Show)于2019年10月17日在上海展览中心正式揭开帷幕。

The Best of British Show, a premier British cultural event organised by Media 10 Star, opened with a grand ceremony at the Shanghai Exhibition Centre today. Nearly 10,000 VIP guests and trade visitors arrived on the first day. 


开展首日迎来了近万名特邀贵宾及专业观众参与这一年度沪上英伦文化盛会。上海市委宣传部副部长胡劲军,英国驻上海总领事胡克定(Chris Wood);英国国际贸易部中国区零售和消费品行业总监Ben Goodwin;英中贸易协会中国区总裁赵汤(Tom Simpson);中英电影节主席、中英电影文化发展有限公司总裁孔祥曦;十媒集团创始人兼首席执行官 Lee Newton;「英伦精选」项目总监梅鸣洙(Lisa Moi),上海纺织协会常务副会长刘寅峰,上海百货商业行业协会常务副会长曹海伦共同出席了开幕式。嘉宾们一同进行剪彩仪式,正式宣告展会开幕。

Present at the opening ceremony were Hu Jingjun, Deputy Minister, Propaganda Department of Shanghai Municipal Committee; Chris Wood, British Consul-General Shanghai; Ben Goodwin, Head of Retail and Consumer, Department for International Trade, China; Tom Simpson, Managing Director, China Operations & China Chief Representative of the China-Britain Business Council; Kong Xiangxi, Chairman of the China Britain Film Festival and President of China Britain Film & Culture Development Co Ltd; Lee Newton, Media 10 Founder and CEO; Lisa Moi, Project Director of Best of British; Liu Yinfeng, Executive Vice President of Shanghai Textile Association; Cao Hailun, Executive Vice President of ShangHai Merchandise Commercial Profession Trade Association. The distinguished guests gathered for a ribbon cutting that officially announced the opening of the show.  

英国驻上海总领事胡克定(Chris Wood)致辞

英国驻上海总领事胡克定(Chris Wood)表示:“我们很高兴为「英伦精选」给予支持,也很高兴看到有这么多中国消费者和买家喜欢英国的产品和服务。我们希望能向中国展示英国的创新精神和精致生活风尚,为双方找到彼此契合的合作方式。”

In the opening ceremony, Chris Wood, British Consul-General Shanghai, said: “We’re delighted to be supporting Media 10 on the Best of British event. Now in its third year, Best of British is a unique showcase of some of the UK’s most innovative brands. It provides the perfect platform for UK brands across a range of sectors to connect with consumers and trade buyers in China. From education, to retail, to food; Best of British is showcasing the best in quality, excellence and innovation from the UK.”



The Inaugural Best of British × China-Britain Business Council Lifestyle Innovation Awards Programme Announces its 2019 Winners


作为创新强国的英国,长期以来一直是全球创业和营商环境最好的国家之一。众多英式科技和生活方式创新型品牌的脱颖而出,为中英合作和贸易开启了更多机遇。为褒扬英国品牌的创新精神,礼赞英式生活方式创新,「英伦精选」展携手英中贸易协会(China-Britain Business Council)推出生活方式创新奖。在现场观众的热烈掌声中,British Airways英国航空公司、Jaguar Land Rover China捷豹路虎中国、LOTUS路特斯、VERTU纬图、GHD、Elvie埃尔薇、BROMPTON、David Hugh、IAM等九个品牌最终斩获大奖。

The UK has long been known as a leading innovator, providing the world’s optimal environment for business startups and operations. Many British lifestyle and high-tech brands have stood out from the competition, offering new opportunities for cooperation and bilateral trade relations. To celebrate the innovative spirit of British brands, Best of British 2019 joined hands with the China-Britain Business Council (CBBC) to launch the Lifestyle Innovation Awards programme. Nine brand took home this year’s debut awards: British Airways, Jaguar Land Rover China, LOTUS, VERTU, GHD, Elvie, BROMPTON, David Hugh, and IAM. 

英中贸易协会中国区总裁赵汤(Tom Simpson)致辞

英中贸易协会中国区总裁赵汤(Tom Simpson)表示:“英中贸易协会从2017年10月首届英伦精选展开始就与主办方紧密配合,为展会和参展英国品牌提供支持。我也很开心看到今年我们将会有一个更加全面和深度的合作。英国品牌是创新和前沿产品设计的代名词,今年我们也首次推出了’英伦精选*英中贸易协会 生活方式创新奖’。该奖项旨在表彰英伦品牌在创新、设计和消费科技制造领域的典范。我们期待与十媒集团、英国国际贸易部等合作伙伴紧密配合,共同支持英国品牌在中国市场取得更多的收获。”

“CBBC has been supporting the Best of British Show since its inception in October 2017 and I am thrilled that this year we have deepened our collaboration further. British brands are synonymous with innovative and cutting-edge product design and this year’s inaugural ‘Best of British – CBBC Lifestyle Innovation Awards’ will recognise some of the finest examples of world class innovation, design and engineering in consumer technologies. Together with our many partners including Media 10 and the Department for International Trade, we look forward to further enhancing opportunities for British Brands to succeed here in market,” said Tom Simpson, Managing Director, China Operations & China Chief Representative of the China-Britain Business Council.



The China-Britain Business Council (“CBBC”) led a trade mission with Santander to exhibit at the 2019 Best of British Trade Show from the 17th to 20th of October 2019 in Shanghai. 

英国品牌代表团到访Modern Media

CBBC和桑坦德银行不仅为英国品牌代表团组织了3场研讨会,邀请了Modern Media,Parklu和Pingcoo分享中国市场营销发展趋势,主题涵盖创意营销、KOL营销、2019年中国消费者趋势,中国女性消费新势力探讨等;还带领英国品牌代表团拜访了一条、The Balancing、野兽派和奥买家的线下门店,帮助英国品牌与优质中国合作方就合作模式与对接需求方面进行深入沟通,促进中英贸易进一步交流合作。

Before the trade show, on 15th October, the delegates attended several workshops with Modern Media, Parklu and Pingcoo to cover various topics related to China’s media environment, creative marketing, KOL marketing, China consumer trends in 2019,  as well as the key driving force for accelerated female purchasing power. The delegation also undertook a store visit to Yitiao where the delegation showed great interest in Yitiao’s operating model and introduced their brands. On 16th October, CBBC and Santander took the delegation to visit some well-known retail stores covering different categories, including The Balancing, The Beast and Aomaijia; this allowed the delegation to experience China’s retail market and environment.


今年的「英国文化节-英伦精选」以英伦力量(Power of the UK)为主题,集合了近300个英伦时尚和生活方式品牌,展示英伦生活的各个方面,为英国品牌提供开拓中国市场的丰富机会,从英式经典、时尚创意、文化艺术、美食美物等方面,向观众全方位呈现英伦生活方式及英式创新与精粹。

Following the theme of “Power of the UK”, Best of British 2019 showcased the best of the UK lifestyle, innovation and excellence. Visitors could explore a selection of 300 British brands across fashion, lifestyle, design, food, education and technology sectors. 


走进「英国文化节-英伦精选」现场,英伦气息扑面而来,英式文化活动和精选品牌展示便映入眼帘。英伦时尚生活方式秀、食在英伦、英伦酒吧、皇室珠宝博物馆、英伦精选*捷豹路虎中国 【贵宾休息区】、英伦精选*幻品餐厅等板块分布在展馆的各个区域。200场现场活动,50多场表演,40多场世界级知名大厨的厨艺秀,40多场时尚T台秀,以及100多位行业大咖、KOL的现场分享和互动让4天的展期显得十分紧凑。

The exhibition hall transported guests to the heart of London, with six featured on-site attractions spread out across the show, including the Lifestyle Stage, Taste of Britain Theatre, the Plough Bar, Garrard Jewelry Museum, Best of British VIP Lounge by Jaguar Land Rover, and La Fantasia Restaurant. The four-day exhibition schedule hosted over 200 live events, including more than 50 performances, 40 world-class culinary showcases, and 40 fashion shows and panels and interactive discussions with over 100 different industry experts and specialists. In addition, the British Council worked with five British universities to offer a UK education-themed creative works show, which showcased the UK’s green innovation trend. The works on display offered a view into a green future that ensures sustainable development. 


米其林星级主厨空降「英伦精选」 饱览精致英式生活方式

Michelin-star Chefs come to showcase fine British cuisine


What snacks are offered at an authentic British afternoon tea? Which table utensils are used? What are the correct table manners? Attendees at this year’s Best of British could discover the answers to these questions at the popular La Fantasia Restaurant. There were long queues of guests waiting eagerly to experience the restaurant as it served up traditional UK cuisine, afternoon tea, and other fine western-style cakes to inspire a variety of taste buds. 

「英伦精选」 饱览精致英式生活方式


Lifestyle Stage offers a top fashion treat 

对服饰的选材、颜色及图案等细节的运用皆一丝不苟的全球生活方式品牌 Ted Baker,以对时装的独到见解,并揉合别具幽默的设计精神,拉开了时尚生活方式开场大秀的序幕。高端面料供应商Holland & Sherry展示了面料的无限可能性;经典英伦风衣品牌Barbour作出了对2019秋冬最新流行趋势的判断;时尚礼服品牌True Decadence现场演绎了女性迷人身型和优雅气质的完美结合;新奇袍、Not Just Pajama、Seraphine也在T台上展现了各自对于流行趋势的最新思考;全球发展最快的女性健康科技公司之一的Elvie埃尔薇则以高端大气的芭蕾舞收获了现场观众的无数喝彩声。

British fashion brand, Ted Baker, is known for its thoughtful selection of materials, color patterns, and brand details: these, combined with the brand’s own unique sense of humour, made it the perfect embodiment of British fashion at the Best of British. In addition, Holland & Sherry, a high-end fabrics provider, showcased the unlimited possibilities of fabric with its coveted designs. Barbour, a classic UK overcoat brand, provided its take on fashion trends for the 2019 autumn/winter season. True Decadence, a formal dress brand, presented a show on female elegance and body shape. Xinqipao, Not Just Pajama, and Seraphine also showcased their own takes on fashion via the catwalk. Elvie, one of the world’s fastest-growing female-health tech companies, featured a ballet performance, winning enthusiastic applause from the audience. 


在时尚和搭配展区,高端时尚品牌Gènavant珠宝鞋展示、Clogau “王室之金”IP论坛珠宝秀、高级腕表品牌Bremont体验、等活动,与全球御用皇室珠宝供应商IRIS Jewellery、个性化定制时尚首饰品牌Posh Totty、世界一流袖扣生产商Deakin & Francis、天然沐浴和美容产品品牌Moksha等一起,同样赚足了眼球。包括服装、配饰、美容美体用品在内的时尚生活方式秀,满足了现场观众对英伦风情的所有想象。

The Fashion & Style section of the Show featured a multitude of brands spanning lifestyle products, clothing, accessories, beauty and fitness. Special interactive features included a high-end footwear show from Gènavant which featured priceless jewels. In addition, gold brand Clogau had an IP jewellery show. Other brands featured included, luxury watch brand, Bremont; royal jewelry supplier, IRIS Jewelry; personalised custom-made jeweller, Posh Totty; world-class cufflinks maker, Deakin & Francis; and natural body foam and beauty supplier, Moksha. 



Study UK Showcase Launches Wave of Green Innovation

英国一直是最受中国留学生欢迎的留学目的地之一。活动现场,英国文化教育协会携手五所英国高校以“绿色创新(green innovation)”为主题,向大家展示英国教育在推动绿色可持续发展领域所进行的努力。伯恩茅斯大学的“蜜蜂之家”、兰卡斯特大学如何用蔬菜和咖啡改变我们的生活、爱丁堡大学对农业和食品安全的关注、纽卡斯尔大学为塑料废品回收提供新方案、伯明翰时尚创意学院“巡司河改造”方案等探索,让现场观众啧啧称奇于英国各高校同学们的脑洞大开。活动现场,众多心仪英伦的学子和他们的父母,已经迫不及待地开始筹划自己的英伦求学之路。

The UK has always been one of the top overseas study destinations for Chinese students. At the Best of British, the British Council joined hands with five UK universities to share the UK education sector’s commitment to green, sustainable development via the showcasing of various projects the universities were undertaking in this area. Following the theme of “green innovation”, the show featured beehives by Bournemouth University; the vegetable and coffee-driven lifestyle change programme by Lancaster University; University of Edinburgh’s focus on agricultural and food products; a new plastics recycling programme by Newcastle University; and the Xunzi River transformation plan produced by the Fashion Creativity School of Birmingham: all of these projects inspired the audience as a result of their innovation and creativity. Numerous aspiring students and their parents keenly gathered information from the respective universities onsite, as part of their preparation to study in the UK. 


360度沉浸式英伦艺术之旅 体验全方位感官盛宴

360-degree Immersive UK Cultural Experience to Delight the Senses

考究的英国人,对于衣、食、住、行每一项都有高品质的要求。从优雅精细的欧陆风格到创意十足的当代设计,英伦设计师们擅长创造潮流、阐释经典。跟孩子们最爱的帕丁熊和彼得兔来一次亲密接触,在列马古典生活艺术遇见精品欧洲古董,360度体验杜莎夫人蜡像馆带来的沉浸式表演“暗夜惊魂”,与英国女王蜡像合影并共同感受英伦下午茶的愉悦时光,欣赏皇家阿尔伯特音乐厅呈现的夏季逍遥音乐会盛况……琳琅满目的精彩活动让到场的每个观众收获感爆棚。当今英国最炙手可热的现代艺术家之一Hayden Kays(海登·凯斯)现场展示创作过程,以线条流畅、极具艺术感染力的作品打动了在场的观众。艺术大师Rob Pepper的城市风光全景绘画,令所有到场观众过目难忘。

The British have high expectations when it comes to clothing, food, lifestyle and transportation. From classic European style to creative modern design, UK designers excel at setting trends and redesigning the classics. The show’s youngest visitors got to interact with Paddington Bear and Peter Rabbit, while other visitors experienced European antiques at the Classic Lifestyle Hall. Madame Tussauds’ famous wax displays offered an immersive experience and a night full of surprises. Visitors even got to take a selfie with the Queen! They also got the chance to relax over traditional British afternoon tea. The summer concert from the Royal Albert Hall was also available. Hayden Kays, a contemporary British artist, created artworks onsite, much to the delight of guests. Artist, Rob Pepper also featured his impressive urban landscape paintings at the show. 

360度沉浸式英伦艺术之旅 体验全方位感官盛宴

动感激情诠释英国生活方式 带来智能颠覆体验  

Smart Technologies Enhance UK Lifestyle Showcase 


Chinese visitors were inspired by the UK’s beautiful beaches, ancient castles, countless museums, romantic hotels, and royal horse races, at the show. Many visitors agreed that the Best of British allowed them their first opportunity to truly explore the UK. As an aviation pioneer, British Airways offered an awe-inspiring virtual-reality experience that showcased its latest luxurious business and first-class suites. British Airways also worked with the Royal Arts Academy to jointly launch an interactive digital show under the title “BA2119: Future of Aviation”, which explored how the aviation-industry landscape will evolve over the next 100 years. 



As the exclusive VIP Lounge sponsor at Best of British, Jaguar Land Rover, the UK’s leading luxury automotive manufacturer, put multiple models of its cars on display. Throughout the four-day event, Jaguar Land Rover worked with a range of top luxury British brands to launch numerous activities in the Show’s VIP Lounge. The activities spanned the themes of education, investment, luxury-jewellery appraisal, and royal etiquette, amongst others. Visitors were excited to experience royal rituals and authentic UK culture at the events.


英国皇室同款齐聚 奢华优雅的生活体验

Fashionable Products Used by Royalty Showcased an Elegant British Lifestyle

散落在英国的皇室住所、遍及伦敦的皇家公园,以及人们赞不绝口的皇室御用品牌,皇室文化已经潜移默化地影响着英国人的生活。皇家御用威士忌品牌Dewar’s、备受英国皇室喜爱的Fulton雨伞、王室成员日常使用的Kent梳子和Corgi袜子、女王最爱的Swarovski Optik双筒望远镜、以及英国著名乳酪曲奇生产商Walkers、英国原装进口的Weetabix全麦早餐小饼、拥有百年历史的英国茶类品牌Whittard等皇家认证品牌,为现场观众呈现了原汁原味的皇室文化。

Brand name products, as seen in royal palaces across London, are always popular amongst Chinese consumers. Products and brands favoured by the British monarchy on display at the Best of British included: Royal scotch whisky Dewar’s; Fulton umbrellas; Kent combs; Corgi socks; Swarovski Optik binoculars; famed British cookie brand, Walkers; imported UK breakfast cereal, Weetabix; and the century-old Whittard royal tea. All of these and more were on full display and attracted draws of Chinese consumers; providing an authentic showcase of British royal culture. 

英国皇室同款齐聚 奢华优雅的生活体验


Also on display at the Show was Garrard, a jewellery brand that has been commissioned multiple times by British royalty and appointed the “Royal Jeweller” by Queen Victoria. The brand also designed Princess Diana’s renowned sapphire wedding ring. The Garrard Jewellery Museum at Best of British offered a glimpse into nearly three centuries of style and luxury, spanning from Queen Victoria’s reign to Princess Diana. 



The first day of the Best of British was open only to trade visitors, VIP guests, and media: with numbers totalling nearly 10,000. Though the venue saw heavy visitor traffic, everything went smoothly. Over the weekend, the show, and its many activities, was open to the general public. Overall the event was a memorable and unique occasion enjoyed by all!

关于Media 10 Star(十媒星慧会展)

Media 10 Star是英国发展速度最快的独立会展活动公司,屡获殊荣。在过去的15年中,Media 10 Star在全球成功举办了多个具有标志性的展会活动。现在,Media 10 Star在上海开设了办公室,积极开拓中国业务。

Multi-award winner Media 10 Star is the fastest growing independent event company in the UK. For over 15 years, Media 10 Star has been running some of the most iconic and successful events globally. Now with an office in Shanghai, Media 10 Star run events in China.


「英伦精选」展会(Best of British Show)于2019年10月17-20日在上海展览中心展现英国顶尖品牌,协助品牌进入全球最大的国际商品消费市场—中国。本次展览将满足中国对于英国优质产品和服务的需求,分为多个区域:美食与美酒、时尚与穿搭、室内与设计、科技与创新、教育与生活方式、旅游与观光,同时还有一系列酷炫现代和富有灵感的现场活动,如英伦时装走秀、食在英伦、英伦酒吧、皇家珠宝博物馆、经典英式私人俱乐部。英伦精选平台独具匠心,服务来自上海和中国全国各地的30,000名中高端消费者及5,000名专业观众。此次展览受到多方瞩目,由英国专业策展团队——十媒星慧会展携手英国驻上海总领事馆、英国国际贸易部(DIT)和英中贸易协会(CBBC)联合呈现。更多相关信息,请访问https://www.thebestofbritishshow.cn/

From the 17th to the 20th of October 2019 at the Shanghai Exhibition Centre, the Best of British Show showcased the very best of British brands looking to tap into China, the world’s largest consumer market for international goods. The show explored Chinese demand for premium British products and services, featuring a number of sections, including Fashion & Style, Food & Drink, Interiors & Design, Technology & Innovation, Education & Lifestyle, and Leisure & Tourism, as well as a series of cool, contemporary, and inspirational on-site activities, such as the Fashion Catwalk, Taste of Britain, the Plough Pub, the Royal Jewellery Museum and Bespoke Britain Private Members Club. The Best of British Show represents a unique platform to retail to 30,000 high-end consumers and 5,000 key trade contacts from Shanghai and across China. The multi-focused event is organized by Media 10 Star in partnership with the British Consulate-General in Shanghai, the Department for International Trade (DIT), and the China-Britain Business Council. For more information, please visit https://www.thebestofbritishshow.com/  


英国国际贸易部 (DIT) 全面负责促进英国在世界各地的贸易,并为英国经济吸引国外投资。英国国际贸易部是一个专门的政府机构,负责就国际贸易政策进行谈判,支持商业,以及促成开放型贸易外交战略。

The UK’s Department for International Trade (DIT) has overall responsibility for promoting UK trade across the world and attracting foreign investment to our economy. We are a specialised government body with responsibility for negotiating international trade policy, supporting business, as well as delivering an outward-looking trade diplomacy strategy. 




The British Council is the UK’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. We work with over 100 countries in the fields of arts and culture, English language, education and civil society. Last year we reached over 75 million people directly and 758 million people overall including online, broadcasts and publications. We make a positive contribution to the countries we work with – changing lives by creating opportunities, building connections and engendering trust. Founded in 1934 we are a UK charity governed by Royal Charter and a UK public body. 

We operate as the Cultural and Education Section of the British Embassy in Beijing and Cultural and Education Section of the British Consulate-General in Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Chongqing. Our Exams work and English Centres across China operate as Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprises. 


For more information about the Best of British, please contact 


(China-Britain Business Council, CBBC)

Demi Ping (平萍)

总监 Director


Retail and E-commerce, China


E: Demi.Ping@cbbc.org.cn  

Mei Chu

副总监 Assistant Director


Consumer and Creative Industries, Northeastern China


E: Mei.Chu@cbbc.org.cn

Media 10 STAR 

Lisa Moi


Media 10 STAR

T: +86 (0) 21 6433 0668

E: Lisa.Moi@m10star.com

Lily Yang


Media 10 STAR

T: +86 (0) 21 6433 0668 ext 818

E: Lily.Yang@m10star.com

